Frequently Asked Questions
What is the purpose of the Classification Study?
The purpose of a Classification Study is to obtain accurate and descriptive information about the work in the organization's classified positions. The goal is to update the job descriptions and ensure that positions are correctly classified.
Why is a Study being done?
The goal of a Classification Study is to ensure that all classified job descriptions are current and accurate. Updated job descriptions are critical for a good recruitment and examination program. Accurate job descriptions are also an essential ingredient of a comprehensive compensation program. A job description provides a basis for job comparison to market data collected for that job. It also is a helpful tool in developing a job worth hierarchy (job families). It typically reflects the value of the job and the relationship of the jobs in the organization to each other.
Will the study include looking at salaries?
Once the job descriptions are updated, a Compensation Survey can be conducted using current data so that accurate comparisons can be made. Considerations for salary determination depend on comparable market value and internal alignment. A goal of the project is to determine that classified salaries are competitive for retention and recruitment purposes.
What classifications will be studied in this project?
Once the job descriptions are updated, a Compensation Survey can be conducted using current data so that accurate comparisons can be made. Considerations for salary determination depend on comparable market value and internal alignment. A goal of the project is to determine that classified salaries are competitive for retention and recruitment purposes.
How will the study be conducted?
Employees will receive an orientation either through an on-site employee meeting or via written instructions. The employees will be asked to complete a Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ) to obtain information about their job. The consultant will conduct interviews with individual employees and small groups if deemed necessary. Analysis will be conducted by the consultant. Job descriptions will be updated. A salary survey will be conducted. The consultant will make recommendations on job family hierarchies and salary allocations based on external data and internal alignment.
How long will a Classification Study take?
This of course varies by each organization. Factors that determine the timeline include: size of organization, whether job descriptions need to be updated, both parties meeting posted deadlines, responsiveness of Board/Council or Project Team, etc.
Will there be layoffs?
The goal of a study is to update job descriptions and conduct a Compensation Study. It is not the intent of a Classification Study to eliminate or layoff positions.
Can the supervisor change anything on the Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)?
The supervisor will be required to review the PAQ to confirm that it reflects a complete and accurate picture of your job responsibilities and working conditions. Therefore, supervisors may edit or modify the content within the PAQ.
Is this a performance review?
No. The Classification Study and the information provided on the PAQ is not a performance review.
What if we go through this study and it costs too much to implement?
The exact costs of implementation will not be known until the recommendations are made following the market and data analysis. The consultant will review options with the Project Team in order to ensure a successful implementation phase of the project.