You probably know something about David Drown Associates, Inc. from our reputation earned over the past 20 years providing a full range of fiscal and economic development services to over 450 government clients throughout Minnesota. Over these years, we have gotten to know government well, and we have worked hard to keep our services up to date to meet the ever-changing needs of our clients.
In 2013, we expanded our services to provide human resource support. We started with executive recruitment and organizational studies, and have added classification and compensation studies to meet the need of our clients.
Our most recent service addition is a County Human Resource Technical Assistance Program provided in partnership with the Association of Minnesota Counties. More information about this new service is available here.
We are focused on providing the best service at competitive prices. DDA Human Resources Inc. is proud to serve cities, counties, and special districts throughout Minnesota.
Human Resources
What We Do...
Executive Recruitment
Compensation & Classification
Pay Equity
Organizational Analysis
County HR Technical Assistance Program
(through partnership with AMC)
Much More!